Inclusion Instructions
Breast milk:
Per item of jewellery, we require 10mls of breastmilk. Either fresh or frozen And it doesn’t matter how old it is.
Please put the required amount in a named breastmilk storage bag (other bags will leak). Please double bag this.
As it is no longer for consumption it is ok to be left out sent at room temperature.
Per item of jewellery, we require approximately 1 teaspoon of formula powder.
Please put the required amount in a named snap lock bag. Please double bag this.
Per item of jewellery we require approximately 30 strands of hair, at least 3 cm long ideally.
Put into a small named snap lock bag and if possible, please tape the ends of the strands together to hold them all together neatly.
Please note: Due to the different individual, unique, texture and colours of hair, your colour choice may impact the visibility of the hair in your final piece. Lighter shades can be harder to see, keeping in mind the hair will look like what it does when it is wet. Please keep this in mind when choosing your colour selection, we will do our utmost to accommodate you but cannot guarantee 100% visibility for this reason.
Umbilical cord:
Per item of jewellery, we require a dried umbilical cord (cord stump from baby’s belly button). It can be attached to the cord clip or muka pito tie and this will be returned to you.
If you don’t have a dry cord but have your placenta frozen, we can use the cord from your placenta, but we will have to dehydrate the cord first. This will incur an extra cost of $50.
We require approximately 5cm from the undried cord to be cut off and sent to us in a named small leak proof container or snap lock bag - please double bag this. (preferably on an overnight courier)
For cord keepsakes - please send us the whole fresh or frozen cord, cut off from the placenta, in a named double bagged snap lock back or small leak proof container. (preferably on an overnight courier)
Placenta powder:
Per item of jewellery we require 2 placenta capsules. These can be sent to us in a named plastic bag.
If you don’t have placenta powder we can dehydrate a small portion of your placenta, which will incur an addition charge of $50.
We require approximately a small piece of placenta no bigger than a matchbox size amount of placenta to be sent to us in a small named snaplock bag or container, which is then double bagged to ensure no leakage. (preferably on an overnight courier)
Please note: we will not process whole or large pieces of placenta.
Pet fur:
Per item of jewellery we require approximately 1 teaspoon sized portion of fur. Sent in a named snaplock bag.
Please note: Due to the different individual, unique, texture and colours of pet fur, your colour choice may impact the visibility of the fur in your final piece. Lighter shades can be harder to see, keeping in mind the hair will look like what it does when it is wet. Please keep this in mind when choosing your colour selection, we will do our utmost to accommodate you but cannot guarantee 100% visibility for this reason.
Cremation ash:
We require approximately 1 teaspoon of ash. Any unused ashes will be returned to you. If you have less than this that is perfectly fine, we can work with as much or as little as you wish. (1 teaspoon is ample for up to 1-8 keepsakes)
Place in a named snap lock bag or small container, please double bag this.
Early pregnancy loss:
We require the fetal tissue to be sent to us in a small named snaplock bag or leak proof container, which is then double bagged to ensure no leakage.
In order for us to be able to use the tissue to turn into a keepsake for you, we need to dehydrate it and turn it into a powder form.
Due to a loss, we waive the additional $50 fee for this process for you.
If your loss has been sent away for testing, it may have been preserved in formailn. If this is the case we cannot process it as formalin is a hazard to us. We do have other options, please email us to discuss this further.
Embryo Straws:
Please contact us for the instructions for your embryo straws. We will make arrangements with you for the next steps required.
Dried flowers / Botanicals:
Per item of jewellery, please send us what you are comfortable with sending - we can work with as much or a little as you wish. We require the specimen to be dried. We can dry it for you but please note that the colour will be different once dry, and wait time may be longer.
Please send in a named snap lock bag or small container
Sand / Soil / Shells:
Per item of jewellery we require approximately 1 teaspoon of sand, soil or shells. Place and a named small snap lock bag or container. Double bag this please.
Baby’s first tooth:
Please clean the tooth, sent in a named snap lock bag or small container.
Your inclusion not here? Please send us an email regarding your inclusion and we can help you.